












Old Regulars

Pez Gun: Brown/Black, White/Black

Space Gun: Silver

Space Gun: Any Colors

Easter bunny die cut

Easter bunny: 

Mickey mouse : painted face/ die cute stem

Mickey mouse : painted face

Witch 3 

Popeye A: Dark Lemon Face 

Popeye: White hat and removable pipe 

Donky Kong Jr

Yappy Dog: Blue head

Cockatoo : Red head, green head

Mary Poppins

Astronaut A: Silver helmet, White helmet
Astronaut B: Blue helmet

Space Trooper / Full Body Robot: Blue, Red, Yellow


Cocoa Marsh

Baseball Player:Red helmet + White stripe, White helmet + Red stripe.
Mr Mystic

Daniel bone brown face
Wounded soldier

Olympic Snowman

Olympic Vucko

Hippo A
Psychedelic Eye A
Psychedelic Flower A
Sparefroh : deine sparkasse on steam

Alpine Man

Bride A

Groom A

Knight: White Plume


Soft head monster:




Vending Machine 

Vending machine candy boxes

Gigant pez: Star Wars, Frankenstein & Elvis 

Vintage Paper Costume´s 

Clicker pez girl red hat

Clicker pez clown black hat

Old pez cars, boats, plans


Missing or Damaged Parts:

PEZ Pal Mexican : Earrings

PEZ Pal Mexican: Mustache

PEZ Pal Doctor : Front thing on the head

PEZ Pal Doctor : Mustache

PEZ Pal Doctor : Hair

PEZ Pal Sheik : Headband black or red

Pez Pal Nurse: Cape i the hair

PEZ Pal Policeman : "Label" on the hat 

Peter Pan : Hat

Cocoa Marsh : Helmet

NF Steam to snow white: Blue 2,6 (yello bow / collar)





Vending Machine:


Vintage Paper Costumes:

Clicker pez girl red hat